
Board of Directors

Noelle Adams Almrud, Vice President

Cynthia Armstrong, Treasurer, Secretary
Oklahoma Senior State Director, Humane Society of the United States

Kate Dylewsky, President
Assistant Director of Government Affairs, Animal Welfare Institute

Mary Freiburger
Former Educator with Norman Public Schools
Longtime Oklahoma Animal Protection Advocate and Community Volunteer

Melissa Marshall
Communications Manager, Hunger Free Oklahoma

Melissa Tomlinson
Donor Relations Advisor, Rainforest Foundation US

Executive Director

Tonnie Dosser
Oklahoma Primate Sanctuary, Newcastle, OK

Sanctuary Director

Tim Ajax
Oklahoma Primate Sanctuary, Newcastle, OK

Council of Advisors

Lynn Cuny
Founder/President, Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation, Kendalia, TX

Robert Ingersoll
Primatologist, Project NIM, Norman, OK & San Francisco, CA